A Call For Help
Dear brethren and sisters in the Lord Jesus, we have started. a new year. The record of 1920 has closed. A new record is being made for 1921. What shall it be? Should we be satisfied with what we did last year, or shall we set a goal much larger for 1921?
Our tent meeting conducted in this city last spring was a grand success. Those brought to the truth are still rejoicing in the God of our Salvation. All were very faithful in paying their Tithe and Offering for the support of the work. We are looking yet for more honest ones to take a stand for the truth as a result of this effort last spring. Many who became interested are still visiting the services at the church and some have almost decided to stand for the right. We are praying for them, asking God to help them to decide for Jesus. Much more can be done in this city.
After the effort here closed, the writer was called out West. I spent several weeks in Los Angeles, Cal. I conducted meetings with the Berean Church of the Free S.D.A. before I left the church voted to unite with us. Elder J.W. Owens, who was at the time making St. Louis his home, was invited to take charge of this church and serve it as pastor. This he accepted and he has located in Los Angeles. He has made some good reports since taking up the work there. We are looking forward to a strong working church in this city. In a letter from Elder Owens, he states: “The church is now free from debt. I have paid off the last notes.” We are glad to note that he has been of so much help to the church since his connection with it. May God continue His blessings upon them.
Now that the winter is all but gone, and the spring is here. What shall we do? Many calls are coming in for tent meetings. We cannot answer them all. But now is the time to start our efforts for this year. Who are willing to help in conducting the work?
Money is needed. Our people should make a sacrifice, such as has not been made, in order to carry on the work during this coming tent season.
It may be asked of us, as was asked of the Jews in the time of the building of the walls of Jerusalem. Of which work Nehemiah was at the head. “What do these feeble Jews?” Will they fortify themselves? Will they sacrifice? Even that which they build, if a ox go up, he will break down their stone wall.” But you can see, this talk did not discourage Nehemiah, he prayed, and God heard him. He has a strong faith in his God. He said: “Go built we the wall for the people has a mind to work.” Neh. 4:1-6. Can we find a Nehemiah today? Can we find some of the old courageous people like those who followed Nehemiah today? Yes, I dare say we can but we will also find a brother Judas who will also declare, ‘The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.” Let us not cry, “Hard times,” but let us make our prayer unto our God. He can help us do what is to be done. Our father is rich and is of no respector of person, but in every nation, he that feareth God and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him. God will do for the Negro race just what He has done for any other people.
Who will take courage now, and send in a good liberal offering for the tent meeting next season? Now is the time to send it in. Who will make a sacrifice?